
Showing posts from July, 2024

Stephenson Harwood Filed Rubbish Into Court - Li Chun Pong Raymond (李振邦) v Li Maggie Hang Yung (李杏容) [2024] HKDC 1211 - Fatally Defective Pleading Done Incompetently By Hong Kong Law Firm Stephenson Harwood Solicitors

Stephenson Harwood Filed Rubbish Into Court - Li Chun Pong Raymond (李振邦) v Li Maggie Hang Yung (李杏容) [2024] HKDC 1211 - Fatally Defective Pleading Done Incompetently By Hong Kong Law Firm Stephenson Harwood Solicitors lrs/common/ju/ju_frame.jsp? DIS=161570&currpage=T //120.  I accept D’s oral evidence, recited verbatim above, as entirely true. I accept D never gave proper or full instructions to D’s solicitors, and D’s solicitors never took proper or full instructions (or raised relevant and material questions) from D either. This was appalling. It was so appalling I seriously considered whether the handling solicitor should be reported to the Law Society of Hong Kong so that he or she could be investigated and prosecuted for his or her clear breach of Principle 6.01 of the Hong Kong Solicitors’ Guide to Professional Conduct, which required all solicitors in Hong Kong to serve their clients competently, in a conscientious, diligent, prompt and efficie