
Stephenson Harwood Filed Rubbish Into Court - Li Chun Pong Raymond (李振邦) v Li Maggie Hang Yung (李杏容) [2024] HKDC 1211 - Fatally Defective Pleading Done Incompetently By Hong Kong Law Firm Stephenson Harwood Solicitors

Stephenson Harwood Filed Rubbish Into Court - Li Chun Pong Raymond (李振邦) v Li Maggie Hang Yung (李杏容) [2024] HKDC 1211 - Fatally Defective Pleading Done Incompetently By Hong Kong Law Firm Stephenson Harwood Solicitors lrs/common/ju/ju_frame.jsp? DIS=161570&currpage=T //120.  I accept D’s oral evidence, recited verbatim above, as entirely true. I accept D never gave proper or full instructions to D’s solicitors, and D’s solicitors never took proper or full instructions (or raised relevant and material questions) from D either. This was appalling. It was so appalling I seriously considered whether the handling solicitor should be reported to the Law Society of Hong Kong so that he or she could be investigated and prosecuted for his or her clear breach of Principle 6.01 of the Hong Kong Solicitors’ Guide to Professional Conduct, which required all solicitors in Hong Kong to serve their clients competently, in a conscientious, diligent, prompt and efficie

Solicitor How Chun Fai & Barrister Kelvin Leung Disgusting - [2022] HKCA 1414 - 大律師梁耀祥及律師侯振輝轉介予大律師公會及律師會採取紀律行動

本案上訴人分別是原被控疏忽過路但脫罪的尼泊爾籍女被告Thapa Kamala,以及原審時代表該被告但被罰支付訟費的大律師梁耀祥及律師侯振輝。高院首席法官潘兆初在判詞指,法庭在考慮整宗審訊的過程後,認為原審裁判官確沒有盡責去管理好審訊,以達致迅速作出公正裁決;控辯雙方亦沒有盡責去協助裁判官。首席法官對要批評裁判官及控辯雙方法律代表感不快,但如不作批評,就有違維護司法制度下的公眾利益之責任。 有關原審裁判官就訟費作出的裁決方面,判詞指出考慮裁判官在處理本案時的行為,包括與上訴方律師的爭執及曾還押上訴人等,均會令他人感到裁判官的訟費命令存有偏見。因此上訴庭下令撤銷原審的訟費令,並就訟費重新作頒令,指上訴人的行為自招嫌疑,故未能獲得訟費,且由於控方亦須就浪費法庭時間一事負責,故亦需自行支付訟費。另外對於梁大狀及侯律師方面,上訴庭亦指示高等法院司法常務官,轉介予大律師公會及律師會,讓2組織考慮是否應該對該2人的表現採取紀律行動。 案件編號:HCMA 309,366/2020 疏忽過路案審91日上訴庭批裁判官與律師無盡責判自行支付訟費

Trainee Solicitor Lee Kai Yan Convicted of Misconduct 李佳恩見習律師專業失當罪成!

Trainee Solicitor Lee Kai Yan Convicted of Misconduct 李佳恩見習律師專業失當罪成!

Solicitor Pang Chi Chun Bede Convicted of Misconduct 彭之晉律師專業失當罪成!

Solicitor Pang Chi Chun Bede Convicted of Misconduct 彭之晉律師專業失當罪成!

William KW Leung Solicitor Advocate Sued By Former Employee Sindy Lam - 梁景威律師事務所俾前僱員告喎!

William KW Leung Solicitor Advocate Sued By Former Employee Sindy Lam - 梁景威律師事務所俾前僱員告喎!  Lam Sin-yi Sindy v Leung King-wai William t/a William KW Leung & Co Solicitors [2020] HKCFI 2525 [2020] 5 HKLRD 170

K B Chau & Co Solicitors Criticized by the Hong Kong Court of Appeal in [2018] HKCA 210 [2018] 2 HKLRD 864!

周啟邦律師事務所俾香港高等法院上訴庭鬧!  K B Chau & Co Solicitors Criticized by the Hong Kong Court of Appeal in [2018] HKCA 210 [2018] 2 HKLRD 864! 62.  After the conclusion of the hearing, and without seeking leave of the court or the consent of the plaintiffs, William’s solicitors made further submissions by letter with proposals of directions from this court to the judge.   This is highly unsatisfactory and such practice has been rightly deprecated in a number of decisions , including To Pui Kui v Ng Kwok Piu & Ors, CACV 281/2012, 21 August 2014, at §§55 to 61.  Mr Chua did not seek an adjournment of the hearing to deal with any further point he might wish to address, nor did he give any indication at the hearing he needed to do further research to supplement his submissions.  There are no exceptional circumstances here to

K B Chau & Co Solicitors Criticized by Hong Kong Court AGAIN - Flexi Credits Limited v Wong Chi Kit Clement [2022] HKCFI 2052 - DHCJ Douglas Lam SC

周啟邦律師事務所又俾香港法庭鬧? K B Chau & Co Solicitors Criticized by Hong Kong Court AGAIN - Flexi Credits Limited v Wong Chi Kit Clement [2022] HKCFI 2052 - DHCJ Douglas Lam SC 21. For the reasons above… the Court would expect a detailed and satisfactory explanation on oath from both Mr Ka and KBC explaining the non-disclosure… Barrister Derek Hu instructed K B Chau & Co Solicitors