Not Paying Counsel's Fees or Being Late in Paying Barristers is a Serious Act of Misconduct Punishable by Suspension from Practice!

鄧明輝事務律師遲找大律師費用俾香港律師會釘牌吊銷執業資格十二個月點解會有事務律師唔找或者遲找大律師嘅費用咁低能?會俾香港律師會釘牌嗰喎!Not paying Counsel's Fees or being late in paying Barristers is a serious act of misconduct punishable by suspension from practice!

December 2012 - Disciplinary Decisions - Tang Ming Fai, Joseph (the Respondent)

• Principles 6.04, 12.04 and 12.05 of the Hong Kong Solicitors’ Guide to Professional Conduct Volume 1 (“the Guide”)


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